Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Halloween Party

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This Friday night to APT for the Rong Music Party

Friday Oct. 27th Rong Music
@ APT. 419 West 13th Street
Eric Duncan (Rub n Tug)
DJ Spun & Tommy Moye
10pm until late
Haunted House Music

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bad Neck

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Due to unforseen circumstances, I have not been clubbing or seeing gigs. Hopefully this will change soon. In music news, the new DJ-KICKS - Hendrik Swartz is really good. I personally think they are the most cutting edge mix comps to date, can't wait for the next one. This however lead me to this song. On Ame and Dixons new lable(the name has just escaped me). Its by Stevan Goldman. and "wowowewo" its a great tune. I can see it having so much cross over appeal from the Hawtin gang - to the big room dj's , and even to the more "ecletic" dj's.. I hate the word ecletic... And hopefully gary might even like this tune... But I won't hold my breath.

Ame & Steven Goldman - Sleepy Hollow

Chic - Freak out

EDIT- Sorry made an error the song was By Chic not Sister Sledge